It’s that time of year again. We hope you all ‘Know Your Sport’. ?
Tickets costs $30 CAD each!! What a bargain!

Get selling your tickets for the chance to win more prizes!!
The seller with most tickets sold from each club will receive a free jersey of their choice. Also for every 4 tickets sold and paid for, a seller will receive a free entry.

The closing date is July 19. Please ensure that each ticket has a reference to ISSC Vancouver or JP Ryan’s!

Get your entries in online via our online portal linked below, however please send your money via e-interac to
Alternatively give it to your code reps!

Know Your Sport Link

Best of luck to everyone!

This would not be possible without three men who have been working hard and slaving away behind the scenes!
Massive thank you to Liam Kennedy Stephen Halpin and Trevor Farrell for all your hours of hard work!

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